Saturday, November 12, 2011

Point and Shoot

Hello, and welcome to the beginning of Track In Focus!

...Okay, I pretty much suck at introduction posts with things like these, so let's just skip right to the basics.

My name is Bryce Grumley (my alias is Track Anarchy, but no one ever calls me Track. Long story). I'm a photographer with a fascination for the strange and unique, which is something I've been trying to portray in my photos for the past year. I've tried to hone many different artistic talents over the years, but I feel most at home, by far, behind a camera, whether it be digital or video. I'm even trying to write and direct my own film!

But I digress. If you wanted to know all the little details about me, you could easily click on my profile and read everything you'd ever want to know. No, you'd rather hear (and I'd rather talk) about this blog, and what the point is. Is it just going to be some hipster photographer going on about how and why he took some lame-ass picture of a lawn chair or something?

Pretty much. But I'm going to do it with style.

First things first, I'm not going to go on and on and on about the equipment I use. Partially because I'm using an outdated digital camera most of the time with no attachable lenses (I'm pretty much poor at the time of writing this), but also because I've come to learn, by comparing my work to others' with much, MUCH better equipment, that while a wide-angle lens would be a fantastic to have and make things a bit easier on me in some situations, it's not something a photographer should define his or herself by.

Put in a more blunt way; the way I see it, if you spend most of your time bragging about how much money you spent on high-grade equipment, you're in the wrong field.

Those are the hipsters of the scene.

Anyways, the point of this blog is to go into detail of the back-story of whatever pictures I feel are worth sharing, behind why I did what I did to it, why I thought it was an interesting picture in the first place, and so on and so forth. I'm hoping that by doing this, not only can I get critique and comments from you, the reader, but over time people can come to understand my style, and through that, come to understand who I am.

Who knows, maybe I'll come to understand myself better as well.

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